Sequoia PGP is more than just a reimplementation of an existing tool. The team behind it is rethinking tooling for the broader PGP ecosystem. Their innovative ideas are making PGP easier to use. I can’t wait to see Sequoia PGP be more broadly adopted.
Sequoia PGP: Out and About
Over the past few months, we’ve attended a number of conferences. In addition to hearing from a lot of people who had helpful feedback and fresh ideas, we’ve also held several presentations.
In this post, I summarize our talks, and link to recordings when they are available. I also report on the OpenPGP Email Summit, which is a yearly gathering of some people from the OpenPGP community. (If you are interested in the so-called LibrePGP / OpenPGP schism, read on.)
At the end, I list where you can meet us in person in the near future. (Spoiler: at Datenspuren in Dresden in September, and IETF 121 in Dublin in November.)